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Working with ABB
Improving communication with suppliers to serve the customer more efficiently: ABB makes a personalised direct line available to its suppliers, allowing transparent communication and considerably cutting down operating times. Closer collaboration is provided in order to offer higher quality products and services.
The benefits are:
- reduction in the margins of error when filling in the transport documents (data entered by the supplier) and for invoicing;
- management optimisation (constant control of order status, electronic confirmation).
ABB for Suppliers
Order Status
A complete report that shows to supplier the progress of his orders: confirmation, goods receipt and invoice document.
Order Archives (PDF)
An updated archive of purchase orders in PDF format.
Order Confirmation
On line confirmation of quantity and delivery date for any purchase order.
Shipping Documents
A simple web screen allows to supplier to communicates which order lines he is going to deliver.
On-line order management, with the possibility of selecting which articles to invoice.
Account Status
Account statement and clearing transactions can be consulted on line.